The live stream to launch #OneShot2025 can be viewed here
Before you can enter you must:
- Sign in or create an account on OneShotHairAwards.com and update your profile information.
- From there you can find category hashtags, overlays and other great information!
- Then post on Instagram! You will need the link from your Instagram post to complete your 2025 Entry Form.
YES! See updated Contest Rules on how to enter, but you must post on Instagram with the correct hashtag and you must enter the image and the link to your Instagram post on the website to enter. You cannot upload images onto the site without the corresponding URL.
The site only accepts the following file types: jpg, jpeg, png. The maximum file size allowed is 50 MB.
Helpful Tips:
- iPhone Users: Ensure your photos are not set to “LIVE.” If they are, the photos will save as .heic files, which cannot be uploaded.
- Photo Editing Apps: If you’ve used an editing app, double-check that the final file is saved in one of the approved formats (editing apps sometimes convert files to unsupported formats).
Still having trouble?
Try taking a screenshot of the photo and uploading the screenshot instead. If issues persist, feel free to email us at events@behindthechair.com for assistance!
You must click the “submit” button on the entry form to ensure your work has been entered. You will see your submission in your profile and you will also get a confirmation e-mail after you’ve submitted!
Yes. You can submit work to as many categories as you wish. But for each category you can only submit 3 total entries, and each entry may only be submitted to ONE hair color, haircutting and/or styling category.
- For example, you can enter 3 images into the Blonde category and enter those same images to a cutting and/or styling category but not another color category.
- You could also enter Blonde, Cool Balayage and Warm Balayage – but not with the same images.
This new rule is a testament to you. In ten years, the quality of the images submitted to #OneShot is so good that we are evolving and asking you to be even more discerning about your entries. We know you can do it!
You can submit images from the same shoot or session in Hot Shot and Big Shot but it cannot be the same image. Also, keep in mind, Hot Shot is intended more to celebrate the work of hairdressers doing real hair behind the chair. Submissions include the work they do on their actual clients and often shot on a cell phone. Whereas Big Shot celebrates the work of artists who are creating editorial hairdressing looks often shot in studios by a professional photographer.
Check back in for more information!
If you have more questions email us at events@behindthechair.com.